Images & Links
Most of these images are linked to an applet with the same parameters so you can watch and interact with the pattern evolution.
Varying F, k, and diffusion parameters

F=0.035&k=0.065&diffuseU=0.16&diffuseV=0.08& simwidth=400&simheight=400& wrap=false&varyPhysics=true& diffuseU2=0.06&diffuseV2=0.03&F2=0.06&k2=0.062This image shows how physical parameters can vary within a single environment. Here the diffusion constants vary on the vertical axis, and the reaction constants vary along the horizontal axis.
Click the image to see these parameters in action. Notice that it may be quite slow at the 400x400 resolution.
Varying F and diffusion parameters

F=0.035&k=0.067&diffuseU=0.18&diffuseV=0.09& simwidth=400&simheight=400& wrap=false&varyPhysics=true& diffuseU2=0.06&diffuseV2=0.03&F2=0.035&k2=0.055k varies along the X axis, and the diffusion rates vary along the Y axis.
Varying U diffusion rate

F=0.06&k=0.062&diffuseU=0.052&diffuseV=0.04& simwidth=400&simheight=400& wrap=false&varyPhysics=true& diffuseU2=0.11&diffuseV2=0.04&F2=0.06&k2=0.062The diffusion rate of reactant U varies along the vertical axis; all other parameters are constant.
Varying V diffusion rate

F=0.06&k=0.062&diffuseU=0.1&diffuseV=0.06& simwidth=400&simheight=400& wrap=false&varyPhysics=true& diffuseU2=0.1&diffuseV2=0.018&F2=0.06&k2=0.062The diffusion rate of reactant V varies along the vertical axis; all other parameters are constant.
This image shows some bad anisotropy, especially in the lower half. This is a side effect of the simplistic diffusion algorithm I used for performance reasons.