Simulation settings
Simulation size |
60x60x60 |
80x80x80 |
100x100x50 |
Display update |
1 (smooth but slow) |
10 (recommended) |
40 (coarse but fast) |
Colormap |
3D Rendering |
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Click on an image to apply the physical parameters to the simulation.
Gray-Scott Reaction-Diffusion
About the simulation
This Java applet simulates two chemical agents bound by the Gray-Scott reaction. Stepwise integration is used, and diffusion is modeled in the simplest way possible.

More functionality and information will be added here later.
The 2D version of the applet is better-developed (and prettier). Also, there is more information about the physical system modeled here.
Clicking in the window sets local values.
- Left-button: U=0.5, V=0.25
- Right button: U=1, V=0
PHP comment script by Peter Boothe.
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