Simulation settings
Simulation size |
200x200 |
400x400 |
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1 (smooth but slow) |
10 (recommended) |
40 (coarse but fast) |
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Click on an image to apply the physical parameters to the simulation.
Gray-Scott Reaction-Diffusion
About the applet
This Java applet simulates two chemical agents bound by the Gray-Scott reaction. Stepwise integration is used, and diffusion is modeled in the simplest way possible.

More functionality and information will be added here later.
To improve performance, disable the Scatterplot and Histogram displays.
Clicking in the window sets local values.
- Left-button: U=0.5, V=0.25
- Right button: U=1, V=0
Unfortunately, one of the resources
that helped inspire this project seems to be non-existent. Xmorphia
was a project at caltech that used supercomputers to run
reaction-diffusion simulations like this one. The project site
used to offer images and movies linked to a phase-state map
(the image at left).
Though the project site is MIA you can visit Roy Williams here:
You can find more information about the Gray-Scott equations
10 comment(s)
I wanted to experiment with my own source patterns, where I introduce my own boundary conditions. I was going to work with COMSOL, etc. but obviously this is much faster. Is there an interface where I could add periodic source boundary conditions or is it possible to share source-code for academic use?
Prakash Manandhar
Bio-engineering, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
I wanna know why when I'm click and move the mouse, the image change, how interprate it.
I would be very grateful
I wanna know why when I'm click and move the mouse, the image change, how interprate it.
I would be very grateful
I a rogers @@@
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